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Innovate your business by incorporating design thinking
Organizations that can innovate have an advantage over competitors who stick to old processes, models, and products. Design Thinking For Dummies walks would-be intrapreneurs through the steps of incorporating design thinking principles into their organizations. Written by a recognized expert in the field of design thinking, the book guides readers through the steps of adapting to a design thinking culture, identifying customer problems, creating and testing solutions, and making innovation an ongoing process.
The book covers the crucial and central topics in design thinking, including:
Adopting a design thinking mindset
Building creative environments
Facilitating design thinking workshops
Working through the design thinking cycle
Implementing your solutions
And many more
Design Thinking For Dummies is a great starting place for people joining design-oriented teams and organizations, as well as small businesses and start-ups seeking to take advantage of the same methods and techniques that large firms have used to grow and succeed.
Prof. Dr. Christian Müller- Roterberg is a professor and lecturer in technology, management, and entrepreneurship at Ruhr West University. He heads the university's graduate program in business management. Prof. Dr. Müller-Roterberg has also been involved in a number of startups and IPOs. He is author of Handbook of Design Thinking
Examine how design thinking applies across industries Challenge your creativity methods Design thinking is not just the property of graphic designers. This approach to creating solutions by thinking from the customer perspective can lead to new and innovative ideas that old methods could not approach.??Design Thinking For Dummies??provides a jump-start to get you and your organization on the path to new creativity. Written by a design thinking thought leader, this book helps you through the design thinking cycle and shows how it can help any industry. Inside...
Innovate your business by incorporating design thinking
Organizations that can innovate have an advantage over competitors who stick to old processes, models, and products. Design Thinking For Dummies walks would-be intrapreneurs through the steps of incorporating design thinking principles into their organizations. Written by a recognized expert in the field of design thinking, the book guides readers through the steps of adapting to a design thinking culture, identifying customer problems, creating and testing solutions, and making innovation an ongoing process.
The book covers the crucial and central topics in design thinking, including:
Introduction 1
About This Book 1
Conventions Used in This Book 2
Foolish Assumptions 2
What You Don't Have to Read 3
How This Book Is Organized 3
Part 1: Getting Started with Design Thinking 3
Part 2: The Problem Phases 4
Part 3: The Solution Phases 4
Part 4: The Part of Tens 4
Icons Used in This Book 4
Beyond the Book 5
Where to Go from Here 5
Part 1: Getting Started with Design Thinking 7
Chapter 1: Everything You Need to Know About Design Thinking 9
This Is Design Thinking 9
More than just design 10
More than just a workshop 10
More than just brainstorming 11
More than just methods 11
Seeing What Design Thinking Can Do 12
Developing new products 12
Creating new services 12
Designing new business models 13
Designing social and organizational innovations 13
Establishing a culture of innovation 14
Understanding the Basics of Design Thinking 14
Following and communicating the principles 14
Getting an overview of the whole process 15
Going through the process in detail 17
Start Design Thinking Right Away 24
Assembling the team 24
Defining team roles and communication practices 25
Planning the project work 25
Furnishing the work environment 26
Asking for support 27
Chapter 2: Understanding the Principles of Design Thinking 29
Focusing on People Early On 30
More than Traditional Market Research 31
Finding the Lead User 32
Actively Involving the Lead User 35
Developing Empathy 36
Illustrating Ideas 37
Failing in Order to Learn 38
Ensuring Diversity on the Team 39
Offering Team-Oriented and Creative Workspaces 39
Making the Process Flexible Yet Focused 40
Chapter 3: Creating Ideal Conditions 43
Ensuring a Positive Attitude 43
Creating the vision for the project 44
Communicating the vision 44
Encouraging the Willingness to Change 45
Arousing Curiosity 45
Presenting the task as a challenge 46
Presenting the task as a reward 46
Presenting the task in a comprehensible fashion 47
Training curiosity 47
Asking For (and Receiving) Support from the Top 48
Asking For (and Receiving) Creative Freedom 49
Enabling Fast Decisions in the Design Thinking Process 49
Setting up the steering committee 50
Clarifying responsibilities 50
Preparing the decision in an efficient manner 50
Conducting the decision-making process in an efficient manner 51
Following up on decisions 52
Tolerating Mistakes During Design Thinking 52
Defining mistakes 53
Looking at mistakes in a differentiated way 54
Find the Competencies You Need for the Task at Hand 54
Determining the target competencies 55
Taking stock of the actual competencies 55
Comparing the target and actual competencies and coming up with the next steps 56
Checking the competencies on an ongoing basis 56
Ensuring that the work is appreciated 57
Chapter 4: Planning a Design Thinking Project 59
Defining the Project Goals 60
Compiling goals and determining their order 61
Clearly formulating goals 62
Communicating goals 63
Planning Work Packages 64
Planning work packages for incremental progress at just the right time 65
Formulating and determining the work package order from the user's perspective 66
Using a task board 67
Correctly Planning for the Sequence 70
Estimating the required time 71 <p&...