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Joker (purple Vinyl)

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Disc 1
1Hoyt's office ("Joker")00:00
2Defeated clown ("Joker")00:00
3Following Sophie ("Joker")00:00
4Penny in the hospital ("Joker")00:00
5Young Penny ("Joker")00:00
6Meeting Bruce Wayne ("Joker")00:00
7Hiding in the fridge ("Joker")00:00
8A bad comedian ("Joker")00:00
9Arthur comes to Sophie ("Joker")00:00
10Looking for answers ("Joker")00:00
11Penny taken to the hospital ("Joker")00:00
12Subway ("Joker")00:00
13Bathroom dance ("Joker")00:00
14Learning how to act normal ("Joker")00:00
15Confession ("Joker")00:00
16Escape from the train ("Joker")00:00
17Call me Joker ("Joker")00:00