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Carl D. Atkins has studied Shakespeare for decades. In addition to his variorum edition of The Sonnets (only the fourth variorum edition since The Sonnets were printed in 1609) he has published two articles on The Sonnets and one on Measure for Measure, all in the respected journal, Studies in Philology. Dr. Atkins has made a complete metrical analysis of all 154 poems, which serves as an excellent companion to Shakespeare's Sonnets Among His Private Friends. It is available gratis at: Dr. Atkins is a physician. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He lives with his wife in New York. Review of Shakespeare's Sonnets: With Three Hundred Years of Commentary: "...Atkins also offers an insightful running commentary on the metrical features of the individual poems, making this edition stand out even further from all other recent editions. Including a fine bibliography, a general index, and three appendixes, this lucid, well-researched edition is the product of many years of labor and love; it will be an indispensable work for those interested in Shakespeare's sonnets." Choice, May 2008
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Également traduite sous les titres Le Soir des Rois ou Ce que vous voudrez - Le Jour des rois ou Ce que vous voudrez - La Douzième nuit ou Ce que vous voudrez, cette pièce de William Skakespeare était destinée à être jouée pendant les festivités de l'épiphanie et de la chandeleur qui était alors le moment principal des fêtes de l'hiver, à Londres. Sa date présumée de composition est située entre 1599 et 1601. C'est l'une des meilleures comédies de Shakespeare et elle a fait l'objet de plus d'une vingtaine d'adaptations cinématographiques et télévisées.