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Informationen zum Autor Vivienne Lewin Klappentext This book is about twins and twinning processes. The existence of an actual twin, alive or dead, may be experienced as an embodiment of the phantasy of having a twin, with developmental consequences. Twinning processes in twins lead to the creation of an internal twin relationship that is enduring. Zusammenfassung The universal phantasy of having a twin originates in our earliest relational experiences. This book is about twins and twinning processes. The existence of an actual twin, alive or dead, may be experienced as an embodiment of the phantasy of having a twin, with developmental consequences. Twinning processes in twins lead to the creation of an internal twin relationship that is enduring. The twin relationship may be at the narcissistic end of the spectrum leading to an enmeshed twinship, or it may be a more mature object relationship. All twin relationships will be manifest in the transference relationship with the analyst. The twin transference has been largely neglected in the psychoanalytic literature, to the detriment of our understanding of dynamic processes in twin patients. In this book, case material is used to explore the nature of the twin transference relationship and the necessity of analysing the twin transference, as well as maternal and paternal transference relationships. Inhaltsverzeichnis Foreword to the second edition , Preface to the second edition , The Summer Garden , Introduction Why study twins? , Twins and Twinning , Twinning: the creation of a phantasy twin , Twins in myths and legends , Cleaving together: developmental processes in twins , Mothers and twins: 'a walking crowd' , The Twin and the Transference , The twin in the transference: a developing understanding , From narcissistic twin bond to an individual sense of self , Enactment of the transference twin: individual development and regression , Enactment in transition and the fragmentation of the self , Psychoanalytic fallout: the threat of separateness , Enduring Issues , The psyche-soma , Intimate relations , Till death us do part...
Vivienne Lewin
This book is about twins and twinning processes. The existence of an actual twin, alive or dead, may be experienced as an embodiment of the phantasy of having a twin, with developmental consequences. Twinning processes in twins lead to the creation of an internal twin relationship that is enduring.
The universal phantasy of having a twin originates in our earliest relational experiences. This book is about twins and twinning processes. The existence of an actual twin, alive or dead, may be experienced as an embodiment of the phantasy of having a twin, with developmental consequences. Twinning processes in twins lead to the creation of an internal twin relationship that is enduring. The twin relationship may be at the narcissistic end of the spectrum leading to an enmeshed twinship, or it may be a more mature object relationship. All twin relationships will be manifest in the transference relationship with the analyst. The twin transference has been largely neglected in the psychoanalytic literature, to the detriment of our understanding of dynamic processes in twin patients. In this book, case material is used to explore the nature of the twin transference relationship and the necessity of analysing the twin transference, as well as maternal and paternal transference relationships.
Foreword to the second edition , Preface to the second edition , The Summer Garden , Introduction Why study twins? , Twins and Twinning , Twinning: the creation of a phantasy twin , Twins in myths and legends , Cleaving together: developmental processes in twins , Mothers and twins: 'a walking crowd' , The Twin and the Transference , The twin in the transference: a developing understanding , From narcissistic twin bond to an individual sense of self , Enactment of the transference twin: individual development and regression , Enactment in transition and the fragmentation of the self , Psychoanalytic fallout: the threat of separateness , Enduring Issues , The psyche-soma , Intimate relations , Till death us do part